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The Assessor is the second keeper in Dome Keeper. This keeper launches orbs that bounce around to mine tiles.


The Assessor uses compression and bouncing gravity spheres to mine rock. The gravity spheres can be upgraded in number, strength, and duration. This Keeper can learn three active abilities: reflecting spheres, detonating spheres, and splitting spheres, which can each be upgraded once.

Upgrade Cooldown Field Lifetime Additional Damage
on Next Hit
Cost Icon
Reflection Field 18s 20s 30% 4 Iron 32x32.png
Reflection Field Icon.png
Field lifetime 13s 40s 60%
Speed +20%
12 Iron 32x32.png
Improved Reflection Icon.png

Upgrade Cooldown Damage per Second Explosion Radius (Tiles) Cost Icon
Explode Spheres 18s (add from code) 1.80 4 Iron 32x32.png
Explode Spheres Icon.png
Improved Explosion 13s (add from code) 2.50 12 Iron 32x32.png
Improved Explosion Icon.png

Upgrade Cooldown Split Duration Split Sphere Lifetime Cost Icon
Explode Spheres 10s (add from code) 65% 4 Iron 32x32.png
Split Spheres Icon.png
Improved Explosion 6s (add from code) 85% 12 Iron 32x32.png
Improved Split Icon.png


The Assessor's movement is gravity based, being more "floaty" than the Engineer. This keeper has four movement upgrades.

Upgrade Top Speed Minimum Speed Cost Icon
Default 65 100% -
Assessor Icon.png
Gravitational Movement 1 90 114% 4 Iron 32x32.png
Gravitational Movement 1 Icon.png
Gravitational Movement 2 120 129% 8 Iron 32x32.png
Gravitational Movement 2 Icon.png
Gravitational Movement 3 160 149% 14 Iron 32x32.png
Gravitational Movement 3 Icon.png
Full Torque 180 220% 18 Iron 32x32.png
Full Torque Icon.png


The Assessor can bundle together any amount of small resources together, which then can be controlled as one unit. The resources can be moved in any direction, or remain stationary by not inputting a direction. Stationary bundles can be moved with the "Bundle Guidance" upgrade.

Upgrade Bundle Duration Bundle Speed Cost Added Ability Icon
Default 15s 30 (Unit?) - Moultiple small Resources can be bundled together
Assessor Icon.png
Center Marker 25s 30 4 Iron 32x32.png A faint grey line decends from the dome
Gravitational Movement 1 Icon.png
Bundle Guidance 40s 40 6 Iron 32x32.png Bundles are attracted to the close Assessor
Gravitational Movement 2 Icon.png
Gravity Column 80s 50 12 Iron 32x32.png Bundles stop at the center Marker
Gravitational Movement 3 Icon.png
Powerful Bundle 300s 80 16 Iron 32x32.png None
Full Torque Icon.png