Mineral Tree

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Seed cave icon.png

The mineral tree can be found in its cave within the green biome. The seed can be placed and after certain conditions, it will grow resources every few cycles.



The tree seed can be found in its 2x3 cave in the green biome. The green biome can spawn either the seed cave or squidley. The seed cave contains the seed in the middle in a "nest" of sorts.

Seed Cave.png


The seed needs to be dropped on a mineable tile after which it will stabilize itself(i.e. grow small roots Seed Small Roots.png after wobbling to the tiles' centre). While in this stage, it can be picked up and moved at will.



Tree Cycle 1.png

Upon being planted successfully, the seed will root into the tile it was planted on at the end of the next cycle. If possible, the tree will root a tile at the end of every cycle(wave end). After it has rooted, the only way to pick it up back again is to destroy the tile it initially rooted on. Roots will only grow in a radius of 3.5 tiles.

Growing Resources


Unsafe Tiles Tree.png

For the tree to grow resources, three conditions need to be met:

  • 6 cycles have passed
  • have a rooted resource tile
    • if there isn't one after the 7th cycle, an iron will be grown
  • spacing, so you can actually take the resources grown
    • for a 1 fruit tree, a space of 1 wide and 2 tall is needed
    • for a 2 fruit tree, a space of 3 wide and 2 tall is needed
    • for a 3 fruit tree, a space of 3 wide and 2 tall is needed
  • resource tiles in the 3 by 3 region around the tree will be destroyed once the tree grows its 3rd branch

Here are some examples of good placing

Mineral Tree with 3 Resources

Ok placing.pngWorked out.png

Here is an example of bad placing:

Bad placing.png

While the tree can grow within a smaller space than 3x3, some resources may not be reachable or resource tiles may be DESTROYED


Tree Cycle Growth English.gif

Each rooted tile results in the tree growing a "branch". A tree can have up to 3 branches. If there are 4 or more rooted resource tiles, resources are prioritized in this manner: "cobalt -> water -> iron". Resources are picked automatically. As of the 2.5 update, only 1 cobalt can be grown.

Different resource fruits take different times to grow.

  • Iron - every cycle
  • Water - every 2 cycles
  • Cobalt - every 3 cycles

Prestige Tips

This section needs to be updated as tree mechanics got changed.

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