Shield Upgrades

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This page includes upgrade data shown in a table format.

In-game view of the upgrade tree:



The shields' strength determines how much damage can be absorbed by the shield, all after which the dome takes of the damage.

Upgrade Shield Strength Cost Icon
Default 40 -
Shield Icon.png
Shield Strength 1 70 (+30) 4 Iron 32x32.png2 Resource Water 32x32.png
Shield Strength 1 Icon.png
Shield Strength 2 100 (+30) 8 Iron 32x32.png3 Resource Water 32x32.png
Shield Strength 2 Icon.png
Shield Strength 3 140 (+40) 12 Iron 32x32.png4 Resource Water 32x32.png
Shield Strength 3 Icon.png

Active Battle Abilities

The shield has 3 different active battle abilities. They can be activated during battle.

Electro Blast

Electro Blast generates a damaging area around the dome surface.

Upgrade Ability
Damage Stun Uses
per Battle
Cost Icon
Electro Blast 4s 0 30/s 3 1 4 Iron 32x32.png2 Resource Water 32x32.png
Electro Blast Icon.png
Depletion Boost 7s (+3) 3s (+3)
If triggered
after depletion
40/s (+10) 3 1 6 Iron 32x32.png2 Resource Water 32x32.png
Depletion Boost Icon.png
Deadly Blast 7s 5s (+2)
If triggered
after depletion
80/s (+40) 10 (+7) 1 10 Iron 32x32.png2 Resource Water 32x32.png
Deadly Blast Icon.png


Invulnerability simply makes the dome invulnerable for the ability duration.

Upgrade Ability
per Battle
Other Cost Icon
Invulnerability 4s 0s 1 - 4 Iron 32x32.png2 Resource Water 32x32.png
Invulnerability Icon.png
Activate on Depletion 4s 0s 1 Activates on
shield depletion.
Activation doesn't
count as a use.
6 Iron 32x32.png2 Resource Water 32x32.png
Activate on Depletion Icon.png
Last Stand 4s 15s (+15) 1 If the dome is
about to be destroyed,
the 15s duration will start.
Shield won't recharge
for the next wave.
10 Iron 32x32.png2 Resource Water 32x32.png
Last Stand Icon.png


Reflection reflects all incoming projectiles, shot from enemies, back in the air.

Upgrade Ability
per Battle
Cost Icon
Reflection 5s 1 4 Iron 32x32.png2 Resource Water 32x32.png
Reflection Icon.png
Timed Reflection 6s (+1) 2 (+1) 6 Iron 32x32.png2 Resource Water 32x32.png
Timed Reflection Icon.png
Accelerated Reflection 7s (+1) 3 (+1) 10 Iron 32x32.png2 Resource Water 32x32.png
Shield Accelerated Reflection Icon.png


Overcharging requires water Resource Water 32x32.png. It allows to temporaily boost the shields' performance.

Overcharge Battle Ability Duration

Prolongs the active battle ability duration.

Upgrade Additional
Cost Icon
Overcharge Shield - 3 Iron 32x32.png
Overcharge Shield Icon.png
Overcharge Battle
Ability Duration 1
+25% (+25%) 3 Iron 32x32.png1 Resource Water 32x32.png
Shield Overcharge Battle Ability Duration 1 Icon.png
Overcharge Battle
Ability Duration 2
+50% (+25%) 5 Iron 32x32.png1 Resource Water 32x32.png
Shield Overcharge Battle Ability Duration 2 Icon.png

Overcharge Strength

Grants additional strength/health to the shield.

Upgrade Overcharge
Cost Icon
Overcharge Shield 40hp (+40) 3 Iron 32x32.png
Overcharge Shield Icon.png
Overcharge Shield 1 60hp (+20) 3 Iron 32x32.png1 Resource Water 32x32.png
Shield Overcharge Shield Strength 1 Icon.png
Overcharge Shield 2 80hp (+20) 5 Iron 32x32.png1 Resource Water 32x32.png
Shield Overcharge Shield Strength 1 Icon.png