Sword Dome

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The Sword Dome is an unlockable dome. It is equipped with a sword. The sword can slice, with the slice doing more damage the more speed it has. The sword can also stab by holding the stab button, making it extend until it reaches the limit or you stop pressing it.

Sword Speed vs. Damage and Stun Level

The sword slice speed multiplier is equal to (sword speed)1.65, so at speeds below 1 the multiplier is lower than the speed and at speeds above 1 the multiplier is even higher than the speed. A full hit sound occurs above a speed of 0.87 and a small hit sound above a speed of 0.57. Low-health enemies can be killed off with even lower speeds down to 0.28. The sword slice instantly applies a stun level equal to 1.5 times the sword speed. For ranged attacks, the instant stun level is 0.25 times the damage applied.