Auto Cannon

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The Auto Cannon is a gadget that fires bullets on monsters approching the dome. It takes up 1 of the 2 Dome Surface gadget slots.


Auto Cannon Upgrade Tree.png
Currently incorrectly titled: machine gun 1 is repeated when it should say machine gun 2 and machine gun 3

Damage Rate of Fire Bullets Spray Shot Speed Speed
Base 4 2.5s 1 0 450 0.45
Improved Auto Cannon 6 2s 1 0 450 + 0.15
Machine Gun 1 6 1.2s 1 1.5% 550
Machine Gun 2 6 0.75s 1 2.2% 650
Machine Gun 3 6 0.45s 1 4% 750
Heavy Bullets 20 2s 1 0 450
Shotgun 1 20 3s 3 15% 450
Shotgun 2 20 4s 6 22% 450
Speedup + 0.4

Autonomy: "Auto cannon activates even when you are not inside the control station."