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Reason: Gadget images

At the start of a game, you choose a primary gadget. The primary gadget is located inside the dome and will provide you with active combat abilities once they have been unlocked. Additional gadgets are found in the mine, and once brought to the dome give the player a choice of 2 gadgets.

Primary Gadgets

Primary gadgets(also known as Main Gadgets) are located inside the dome and can be chosen as a setting before entering a game. All primary gadgets can be overcharged, granting them a temporary buff.


The orchards' fruit can be consumed, shortly buffing the players' speed and drill power.

Battle abilities

Snare Roots

Activate during battle to grow roots outside the dome that will trap any medium-sized monster stepping on them.

Projectile Shield

Grow a shield that protects the dome from projectiles.


The repellent delays the next wave of attacking monsters and recharges every 2 game cycles.

Battle abilities


Weakens all present monsters, immediately lowering their remaining health.


Spray a numbing mist during combat that slows all monsters down

Shield Strength 2, Laser Dome World-1 Pallete-1.png


The shield protects your dome by absorbing incoming damage. It has a limit to how much damage it can absorb, which can be expanded with upgrades. It recharges for every wave.

Battle abilities

Electro Blast

Creates a deadly field effect around your dome for a short time.


Makes your dome invulnerable for a short time.


Reflects incoming projectiles for a short time.

Additional Gadgets

Additional(or secondary) gadgets can be acquired by destroying the 2x2 chamber locations which can be found in almost every biome. Upon bringing the gadget item to the dome, two gadget choices are offered, or the item can be shred into two cobalt. Some gadgets take up a gadget slot, meaning not all gadgets can be gathered in one run.

Gadget chamber.pngGadget inside open chamber.pngGadget.png

Gadget choice.png

Gadget Slot Allocation Summary
Gadget \ Slot Surface (2) Shaft(1) Dome Backside (1) Cellar(2)
Prospect Meter
Auto Cannon
Stun Laser
Blast Mining

Auto Cannon

The Auto Cannon is an offensive gadget, capable of targeting and firing at enemies automatically while the player is in the dome and using the computer.

Takes up 1 of the 2 dome surface slots.


fire rate (cost:) -> choose one: 1: -> rapid fire (cost:) -> faster rapid -> faster rapid fire

                                2: -> shotgun (cost:, dmg: 20, shots: 1, reload: 2) -> more shots (cost:, dmg:, shots: 3, reload:) -> more shots (cost:, dmg, shots: 5, reload:)

movement speed (cost:) -> operate even when player is not present (cost: 2 water)

Gadget Choice Dome Surface.png

Blast Mining

Creates a blast charge, that destroys all tiles in a circular radius, after a small countdown.

Takes up 1 of the 2 cellar slots.


bigger blast radius -> choose one: 1: -> bigger radius

                                  2: -> 3 small bombs

choose one: 3: -> stick to wall and only destroy that wall

           4: -> detonate on impact (instead of having a small countdown)

Gadget Choice Cellar.png


The Condenser slowly produces water in the dome that has to be manually picked up.

Takes up 1 of the 2 cellar slots.


faster production -> choose one: -> 1: even faster production -> store 2 before it stops working

                                -> 2: production is automatically stored

automatically power gadget, but productions is delayed by 0.5 cycles

Gadget Choice Cellar.png

Resource Converter

The Converter helps to balance your inventory by offering resource conversions.

Takes up 1 of the 2 cellar slots.

initial options (shown when you left click while your keeper is over the converter): 1 water to 3 iron 5 iron to 1 water 1 iron to 3 iron


iron <-> cobalt conversion -> better iron cobalt conversion better water conversion (better water to iron ratio? + 2 iron to 1 water) better iron to iron conversion (1 to 10)

Gadget Choice Cellar.png


Drillbert helps you dig by doing his best in drilling a straight line, sometimes taking a power nap when he gets tired. Upgrades include multiple drill-related ones and treats.

Takes up 1 of the 2 cellar slots.

Gadget Choice Cellar.png


The Lift brings up resources to the dome, using 2 orbs that can carry 3 resources. The orbs go to the very bottom of the shaft before going up and collect resources only on the way up. The resources carried by orbs cannot be taken by keeper anymore, similiar to the squid.

Takes up 1 of the 1 mine shaft slots.


More orbs (cost: 1 iron, 1 water) -> infinite upgrades possible faster orbs -> orb carry capacity (3 -> 4)

Gadget Choice Mine Shaft.png


The Probe sends out an impulse that reveals the location of iron behind walls, by marking them with a cross like marker for a 5 seconds. The probe can be recharged only at the base.

Upgrades: Range -> choose one: 1: More range

                    2: markers last 601 seconds (10 minutes)

reveal caves reveal gadgets reveal water reveal cobalt

Takes up 1 of the 2 cellar slots.

Gadget Choice Cellar.png

Prospection Meter

The Prospection Meter is a gadget, similar to the Probe. It is a meter in the player HUD that shows the distance to iron. When the meter is fully lit, you are next to that resource.



Reduce update Delay

Show Cobalt

Show Water

Does not occupy a gadget slot.


The Spire is a primarily defensive gadget that destroys enemy projectiles.


better fire rate -> store additional charges projectile traps

Takes up 1 of the 1 dome backside slots.

Gadget Choice Dome Backside.png

Stun Laser

The Stun Laser is a gadget that helps during combat by stunning enemies. Upgrades include longer stunning duration and laser speed.

Takes up 1 of the 2 dome surface slots.

Gadget Choice Dome Surface.png


The Teleporter can be placed and moved around the mine, allowing the player to teleport to the dome and back.


Teleports resources automatically, but not the player -> unlocks: 1: lower cooldown (16-6)

                                                                 2: bigger area
                                                                 3: can teleport player again

Can teleport items (no clue what this does, it excludes resources and gadgets) Faster teleport animation (6->2)

Takes up 1 of the 2 cellar slots.

Gadget Choice Cellar.png