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Drillbert is a lovely dinosaur-like creature that is a gadget. His nest takes up 1 of the 2 Dome Cellar gadget slots. He has a drill strength upgrade path, a treat upgrade path, a conditioning path(not mutually exclusive), and a sibling upgrade at the end. By default, he has 200 drilling hits, before going to sleep, with the power of 0.6 and he can only dig straight until he hits an indestructible wall.


3 in-game tutorial pop-ups explain the basics of how to use Drillbert.

Tank Tutorial

"Take Drillbert from its tank, and place it in the mine, where it should dig."

Drillbert Tutorial Tank.png

Change Direction Tutorial

"Hold (space bar) to pick up Drillbert Again. Hit (space bar) to make it change direction, if on ground"

Drillbert Tutorial Change Direction.png

Sleep Tutorial

"Drillbert goes to sleep after a while, or when it meets a wall it can't dig. When close to it, hit (space bar) to wake it. You can make it turn by hitting (space bar) when it's awake."

Drillbert Tutorial Sleep.png



Drillbert has a maximum speed of 2 pixels per second. He reaches this speed almost instantly. You can change his direction by tapping the Space Bar or E(use key bind).


Drillbert has a set number of drilling hits before he gets tired. It can be increased by the basic conditioning upgrade from 200 to 300. The drill strength per hit can be increased from the default 0.6 up to 8 using the drill strength upgrades.


After Drillbert gets tired(finishes all of his drilling hits) or encounters an indestructible wall, he will go to sleep.

The amount of time he sleeps is calculated using the following formula:

Data.of("drillbot.sleeptime") * GameWorld.getTimeBetweenWaves()

drillbot.sleeptime = 0.4

func getTimeBetweenWaves()->float:
    if cachedTimeBetweenWaves == -1:
        cachedTimeBetweenWaves = Data.of("monsters.waveinterval") + Data.of("monsters.waveintervalProgression") * Level.map.getProgress()
        cachedTimeBetweenWaves *= 1.0 - Level.difficulty() * 0.1
        cachedTimeBetweenWaves *= Data.of("monstermodifiers.timebetweenwavesmodifier")
    return cachedTimeBetweenWaves

waveinterval = 60 waveintervalProgression = 45 * sqrt(tileCount * 0.001) tileCount is mined tiles

func getProgress()->float:
    var progress = 0.0
    for layer in startingIronCountByLayer:
        progress += 1.0 - (currentIronCountByLayer[layer] / float(startingIronCountByLayer[layer]))
    progress /= layerCount
    return progress

timebetweenwavesmodifier is 1.15 for the maze modifier and 2 for the long cycles modifier


During battle, Drillbert enters a "scared" state, shaking in fear and won't mine until the wave is over.


Here are some helpful strategies

  • Get the first drill upgrade as quickly as possible
    • the upgrade is cheap(3 iron and 1 water) and increases the drill strength by ~135%(0.6 -> 1.4)
  • Get the basic conditioning upgrade as quickly as possible
    • This upgrade is also cheap(2 iron and 1 water) and increases the drilling hits by 50%(200 -> 300)


Here are some interesting facts you probably didn't know:

  • Drillbert was originally named drillbot and still goes by that name in the code
  • He was originally meant to be a robot(as suggested by the naming drillbot) but it didn't fit the vibe of the game
  • Drillbert went through a lot of concepts as most things in the game
    • Anne drew multiple versions: a dinosaur, a mole and an octopus
    • There were multiple versions of the "carried sprite". Can you spot which one is in-game? check
      • Drillbert concept sketches.png
  • The drilling sound is played at a different pitch and db volume according to the drill strength upgrade


Sound Sound Name Context
DigDrillbot.wav Drillbert drilling a tile
character falling down from a building.wav The iconic sound of Drillbert falling
DrillbotLand.wav Drillbert landing after falling

Drillbert stepping while walking

The player switching Drillberts' direction
SnoreLoop.wav Drillbert sleeping
Drillbot_Wakeup.wav Drillbert waking up