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The Lift is a gadget that uses orbs to move resources within the lift shaft into the dome. The lift shaft is one tile wide and will descend from the dome until an unmined tile is encountered. Orbs will travel to the bottom of the lift shaft then ascend to the dome's resource collector grabbing any resources it can carry along the way, then travel empty back to the bottom. By Default the lift has three orbs that can carry three resources each. It is the only gadget to occupy the "shaft" slot of the dome.


Lift Upgrade Tree.png

Upgrade Effect Description
Orbs (Repeatable) Orbs +1 "Install an additional lifting orb."
Speed Orb Speed 15 -> 25 "The orbs move faster."
Capacity Orb Capacity 3 -> 4 "The orbs can carry more resources."
Keeper Lift 1 Keeper Boost 0 -> 20 "The lift boosts your speed when moving upwards inside it."
Keeper Lift 2 Keeper Boost 20 -> 40 "The lift boosts your speed even more."