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This page includes upgrade data regarding the Orchard, shown in a table format.

In-game view of the upgrade tree:



Increases the fruit buff duration.

Upgrade Buff Duration
in cycles
Cost Icon
Default 0.35 -
Shield Icon.png
Duration 1 0.50 (+0.15) 4 Iron 32x32.png1 Resource Water 32x32.png
Duration 1 Icon.png
Duration 2 0.65 (+0.15) 6 Iron 32x32.png2 Resource Water 32x32.png
Duration 2 Icon.png
Duration 3 0.80 (+0.15) 10 Iron 32x32.png3 Resource Water 32x32.png
Duration 3 Icon.png

Active Battle Abilities

The Orchard has 2 different active battle abilities. They can be activated during battle.

Projectile Shield

Projectile Shield grows a protective shield around the dome. It can block projectiles, until it absorbs enough damage.

Upgrade Strength Layer
per Battle
Cost Icon
Projectile Shield 50hp 1 1 4 Iron 32x32.png1 Resource Water 32x32.png
Projectile Shield Icon.png
Double Layer Shield 80hp (+30) 1 1 6 Iron 32x32.png2 Resource Water 32x32.png
Double Layer Shield Icon.png
Strong Shields 130hp (+50) 2 1
+1 after overcharge
10 Iron 32x32.png3 Resource Water 32x32.png
Strong Shields Icon.png

Snare Roots

Snare Roots spawn roots outside the dome that can trap medium-sized monsters.

Upgrade Root
per Battle
Cost Icon
Snare Roots 4 8s - 1 4 Iron 32x32.png1 Resource Water 32x32.png
Snare Roots Icon.png
Explosive Prey 6 (+2) 14s (+6) 120 1 6 Iron 32x32.png2 Resource Water 32x32.png
Explosive Prey Icon.png
Strong Roots 8 (+2) 20s (+6) 120 1 10 Iron 32x32.png3 Resource Water 32x32.png
Strong Roots Icon.png

Fruit Boosts

The Orchards' fruit gives two buffs: a speed boost and a mining boost.