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The Spire is a mainly defensive gadget that shoots down incoming projectiles. It takes up the Dome Backside gadget slot. It has two sets of mutually exclusive upgrades and as all defensive gadgets an autonomy upgrade. By default it has 1 shot before recharging for 5 seconds and takes 0.5 seconds to target.

Spire Next to Dome World 1 Palette 1.png


Spire Upgrade Tree.png

Mutually Exclusive

The Spire has two sets of mutually exclusive upgrades(meaning you can only get one of the two):

  • Burst Fire and Sustained Fire
  • Projectile Split Path and Energy Trap Path

Burst Fire

Burst Fire with Capacity 2

"Fires in short bursts, dealing well with salvos."

Upgrade Name Default Burst Fire Capacity
Shots before Recharge 1 3 3 + 1 for every purchase
Recharge Time 5 sec 8 sec 8 sec
Other - - Iron Cost +1 each purchase
Upgrade Image Spire Upgrade Icon.png Spire Burst Fire.png Spire Capacity.png

Sustained Fire

Sustained Fire with Cooldown 3

"Brings the recharge time down to a near zero, enabling a very steady fire pace."

Upgrade Name Default Sustained Fire Improved Cooling
Shots before Recharge 1 1 1
Recharge Time 5 sec 1.5 sec 1.5 sec - (0.36 - 0.02 * x) / 2 * (x + 1)
x - amount bought

In simpler terms, the cooldown is initially reduced by 0.18 sec and this value is decreased by 0.02 each time.

1.50 -> 1.32 -> 1.16 -> 1.02 -> 0.90 -> 0.80 -> 0.72 -> 0.66 -> 0.62 -> 0.60

Upgrade Image Spire Upgrade Icon.png Spire Sustained Fire.png Spire Improved Cooling.png

Projectile Split Path

Split Projectile path with all upgrades and Sustained Fire

"Hit projectiles split into multiple smaller ones, dealing damage to enemies. The amount of split projectiles depends on the potency of the incoming projectile."

You can get Fast Split before getting Ground Split meaning that the Additional Split Projectiles will be 100%. After getting "Ground Split" too, Additional Split Projectiles will be 200%.

Projectile Split Path.png

Upgrade Name Projectile Split Ground Split Fast Split
Split Shot Speed 200 doesn't affect 350
Additional Split Projectiles 0% +100% +100%
360o Split - Yes -
Upgrade Image Spire Projectile Split.png Spire Ground Split.png Spire Fast Split.png

Energy Trap Path

Shooting down a flyers' projectile

"Shooting down a projectile generates an energy trap, that will catch more projectiles. How much it can capture depends on the potency of the incoming projectile."

The stronger the shot down projectile is, the bigger, stronger and more durable is the trap.

You can get Monster Trap before getting Catalyst Trap meaning that the duration of the trap is the one of Energy Trap.
Stronger projectiles result in better and bigger traps

Energy Trap Path.png

Upgrade Name Energy Trap Catalyst Trap Monster Trap
Damage Absorption 100% 250% doesn't affect
Duration Simple

Duration Actual

4 sec

4 * max(0.7, factor1)

6 sec

6 * max(0.7, factor1)

doesn't affect
Radius Simple

Radius Actual


clamp 25 * factor1 between 15 and 60


clamp 33 * factor1 between 15 and 60

doesn't affect
Stun Monsters No No Yes
Upgrade Image Spire Energy Trap.png Spire Catalyst Trap.png Spire Monster Trap.png

1 - factor is a value calculated using this formula: sqrt(projectileDamage) / 6


The Spire works even when you are not in the control station and the wave has started.

Spire Autonomy.png

Tech tree example

Tier 0 Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3
Spire Upgrade Icon.png Spire Burst Fire.png \ Spire Sustained Fire.png

exclusive choice

Spire Projectile Split.png

*exclusive Spire Energy Trap.png

Spire Fast Split.png
\/ \/ choice Spire Projectile Split.png ---> Spire Ground Split.png
\/ \/ Spire Energy Trap.png

*exclusive Spire Projectile Split.png

Spire Catalyst Trap.png
\/ \/ choice Spire Energy Trap.png ---> Spire Monster Trap.png
\/ Spire Burst Fire.png *exclusive -> Spire Capacity.png
\/ Spire Sustained Fire.png *exclusive -> Spire Improved Cooling.png
choice Spire Upgrade Icon.png ---> Spire Autonomy.png