
From Dome Keeper Wiki
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This page has been last updated for v2.6.3
Current: Steam v3.1.0.15, GOG v3.0.3.2


Stags are large, slow-moving enemies. They fire a lot of small projectiles from their antlers and a big projectile from their legs.


  • HP: 800
  • Air Projectile Damage: 10, Ground Projectile Damage: 85
  • Speed: 12, Air Projectile Speed: 150, Ground Projectile Speed: 90
  • Stun Laser Priority: 4, Full Stun Threshold: 4.0
  • Weight: 280, MinRunWeight: 550
  • Tier 4



The stag spawns on either side of the world.


The stag slowly walks to the dome and stops at a short distance from the dome.


The stag fires a lot of small projectiles from its antlers while it walks and fires big ones from its legs, once it gets close enough to the dome.


Note that the table contains a lot of media, which may take time to load.

Animation Name Animation
Combined Stag Combined.gif
Walk Stag Walk.gif
Shoot Air Stag Shoot Air.gif
Shoot Ground Stag Shoot Ground.gif
Die Stag Die.gif


Sound Sound Name Context
stag_enter.wav The stag spawning
stag_barrage.wav The stag shooting the air projectiles
stunfire.wav The stag preparing to shoot a ground projectile
monsterExplode.wav The stag shooting a ground projectile
stagDie.wav The stag dying