Version History

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Last updated: 4th December 2023

DomeKeeper MouseSupportUpdate SocialDK MouseSupportUpdate Social 1920x1080.png

v3.1 - Merry Christmouse Update - December 4, 2023[1]

  • Added support for mouse controls, configurable and re-bindable via Options
  • Added twin stick support for gamepad
  • Added various Christmas themed bits:
    • New unlockable pet and skin for the Assessor (find a gift chamber and win the run to unlock them)
    • New themed title music
    • Snow weather happening across all maps
    • Drillbert skin
    • As always you can turn all this off via options
  • Added sounds for pets when you return to dome
  • Improved snow weather effect
  • Assessor spheres now also play resource-dependent sounds
  • Assessor bundle moves twice as fast when using bundle guidance
  • Made some parts of the game easier to mod by making dictionaries variables instead of constants

v3.0.3 - Prestige Mode & Fixes - October 24, 2023[2]

  • removed flags from language select
  • language names are now in their respective language, instead of all being in english
  • cleared known cheaters list
  • added a long panel about fairness, rules and exploits when you start a run in prestige mode while you also got pro mode unlocked
  • fixed auto repair not working during the final relic hunt battle
  • fixed shield's last stand not preventing the start of the relic bomb
  • whitelisted a mod for prestige (Among Tick - AshAxolotl)

v3.0.2 - Fixes, Balance and Improvements - October 11, 2023[3]

  • fixed a very deep layer being indestructible despite looking like normal dirt
  • tesla reticle slowdown only sets in right before finishing the charge
  • tesla now has a second quickshot upgrade and two instead of three perfect timing upgrades. This makes perfect timing less important and quickshot more useful. Second quick shot upgrade deals 120% of base damage, from initial 60%.
  • slightly increased tesla base damage to compensate for lower buffs from perfect timing
  • limiting maximum size of tesla dome's electro orbs. They can still be charged higher to remain for longer, but their size is hard capped now (still very large).
  • reduced spire's targeting time from 0.5s to 0.2s (reload time is unaffected)
  • reduced artillery mortar damage by 10% on later upgrades
  • reduced direct hit damage bonus on artillery splash upgrade line
  • slightly reduced rate of fire on artillery machine gun
  • better visibility for artillery mortar aim line
  • fixed prospection meter not detecting power core chamber or relic switch chambers
  • made orchard roots explode in short succession after each other instead of all together
  • fixed electro orbs not doing damage while keeper is outside of dome
  • updated localisation
  • better font for vietnamese
  • fix small visual error of tesla dome in loadout stage
  • no points will be deducted in prestige, even if the multiplier reaches a negative value
  • fixed relic switch chambers looking inactive on reload, after activating them before
  • fixed kept gadget getting lost if not immediately starting a new run
  • removed small arc effects from the reticle after auto aim is bought
  • added custom supplement order for prestige pro mode
  • vignette will show up later the deeper the map is
  • whitelisted three mods for prestige (Ste - Prestige Quick Restart, Nanimonull - Tech Tree Loop Select, Kana - Hello There)

v3.0.1 - Hotfix for Worlds and Modding - October 6, 2023[4]

  • Fixed old fixes that were broken.
  • Fixed invulnerability effect of the artillery dome.
Dome Keeper Double Dome v3.png

v3 - Double Dome - October 5, 2023[5]

New Content Domes

  • Added Artillery Dome
  • Added Tesla Dome
  • Added custom sprites for all primary gadgets per dome
  • Replaced cobalt branches in dome tech trees with a new system, the dome supplements
  • Added a new chamber type, the power core chambers. Retrieve the core inside to receive a supplement.
  • Added 6 dome supplements
  • Added run modifier that lets you get 3 dome supplements instead of only one
  • Added "mine view", where you can watch the mine you dug out after finishing a run and even show the resources you missed
  • Added run modifier that lets you play completely without monsters
  • Added classic "Dome Romantik" palette (orange, blue, purple)


  • Improved how orchard shields are spaced across domes, adapting better to different dome shapes and sizes
  • Orchard root explosion won't remove other roots anymore
  • Improved orchard shield destruction effect


  • Gamepad auto switch option now also works for steam deck, resolving some issues of inputs being unresponsive
  • Improved positions where domes are shot at
  • Relic switches can now be activated immediately after uncovering, no need to wait for the animation
  • Stingray is back to the old animation, does not look squished anymore
  • Assessor can now collect again when in cellar
  • Changed gadget chamber placement to be less predictable
  • Prospection meter does not target rooted resources anymore
  • Auto cannon and stun laser won't target burrowed monsters anymore
  • Teleport won't trigger if you or the moveable portal are still inside the dome
  • Improved visuals of the shield battle ability "electro blast"
  • Updated localisation
  • Improved some sound effects
  • Changed run modifier "double iron" to simply increase the iron in the underground by 50% and no increase in upgrade cost


  • Cycle time: increases slightly slower the larger the dugout mine is
  • Orchard: halved how quickly moving uses up the orchard buff
  • Orchard: increased initial buff strength and decreased growth time
  • Orchard: slightly buffed orchard shield hp (120->130)
  • Shield: very slightly decreased max strength (6.6%)
  • Scarab: slightly increased health
  • Repair: depends slightly less on dome health
  • Auto repair: is not a standalone upgrade anymore but instead comes for free with the inventory upgrade
  • Engineer: buffed drill strength of the last drill upgrade
  • Engineer: slightly buffed the speed upgrades
  • Engineer: slightly buffed the second carry strength upgrade
  • Assessor: buffed the sphere base damage to be a more viable mining option, especially in the deeper layers
  • Assessor: slightly buffed the upgrades for minimum speed when carrying or collecting
  • Assessor: slightly decreased effectiveness of contact mining, with the last stage being weaker and rock hardness still having a small impact. It was faster than the engineer in deeper layers, but really spheres should be the main mining tool for the Assessor
  • Assessor: slightly changed costs of some upgrades, 2 iron more or less


  • Fixed stag shooting too much if hit by sword and stunned while walking
  • Fixed some resources not getting revealed initially when picking up scanner from cave
  • Fixed vignette not showing up for cobalt bomb, if you disable the vignette in the mine
  • Fixed all worlds showing up in some cases, irrespective of unlocked ones

v2.6.3 - Patch for World Issues - July 19, 2023[6]

  • fixed worlds already showing up in relic hunt that you hadn't unlocked yet
  • fixed getting stuck playing the same world and palette over and over again after some specific game loading situations
  • if some mod content was used in the loadout screen and the mod was later unsubscribed to, it should revert to default options instead of showing an empty space now

v2.6.2 - Mod Support Patch #2 - July 12, 2023[7]

  • Fixed achievement "Thorough" for mining map completely not triggering
  • Fixed assessor not being able to pick up dropped gadgets inside dome
  • Fixed music cycles being one-off
  • Fixed prestige score hud showing 0 as total when multiplier was zero (for countdown)
  • Fixed prestige score hud adding a plus sing in front of negative changes (like +-2 instead of -2)
  • Fixed exploit around friendly mode
  • Fixed some false positives of cheat detection in countdown mode
  • Modding: updated mod loader to v6.1
  • Modding: fixed existing upgrades appearing twice if they were changed through a mod
  • Modding: better support for adding your own game modes
  • Modding: whitelisted HelloWorld-RunLogger and Ste-Petmagotchi for prestige runs

v2.6.1 - Mod Support Patch #1 - June 30, 2023[8]

  • fixed crash if drillbert mode was selected
  • fixed issue where difficulty for prestige was taken from last relic hunt run, unless friendly mode was used
  • fixed "shorten cycles" of Prestige mode also applying to how fast monsters spawn after each other

v2.6 - Mod Support - June 29, 2023[9]

  • Added mod support via Steam Workshop
  • Added "Friendly Mode" to Prestige. It is Prestige on a lower difficulty, where you can beat your own scores and those of your steam friends instead of competing globally
  • Improved visuals for the Relic Hunt cables and hopefully solved all missing cable bugs
  • Added themed cursor, which can be turned off in the options
  • Improved Teleporter animation
  • Improved Assessor icons
  • Fixed some issues around monster movement, especially around drillers not slowing down or stopping on Repellent skills. Behaviour can be slightly different than before.
  • Restructured title stage menu to make space for modding (and multiplayer eventually)
  • Fixed Assessor spheres very rarely not pausing correctly
  • Reverted bad Sword Dome shield battery graphics (will get new sprites eventually)
  • Fixed assessor sphere explosion also running when paused
  • Raised upper limit of maximum monsters per wave to 400 from 100
  • Refactored the "shorten cycles" upgrade in Prestige, as it had various bugs and exploits
  • Fixed Wither ability of Repellent making monsters permanently weaker if reloading while it is active
  • Game will now save automatically only after a wave is beaten, not both before and after a wave
  • Improved cheat detection, especially with false positives
  • Fixed Assessor explosions having no sound upon reload
  • Fixed Assessor explosions not pausing properly when game is paused

v2.5.2 - Engineer Gear Pack Patch - June 1, 2023[10]

  • added brightness slider and accessibility option to remove vignette effect when deep in the mine
  • fixed cheat detection marking some legit runs as cheated
  • fixed Assessor bug on Intel 620 graphic cards, where a lot of elements went invisible
  • improved bundle decay effect, so it gets clearer when it runs out
  • changed Pioneer Pack to Engineer Booster Pack with two new songs
  • updated localisation. Thank you very much everyone who helped on crowdin, it's great work!
Assessor v2.5.gif

v2.5.1 - Re-Assessor Patch #1 - May 10, 2023[11]

  • Massively improved performance for the Assessor, especially for Mac and older hardware. There was a shader that was causing issues, and we replaced it with something more efficient.
  • Resource distribution for iron and water is now close to what it was in v2.4. We reduced it a bit too much for v2.5, making the game harder unintentionally. Sorry about that!
  • Mineral Tree won't have resources that you cannot pick up anymore
  • Cobalt cave does not generate in Fixed Cobalt mode
  • Fixed some tutorial icons being offset
  • Fixed missing translation of a shield upgrade

v2.5 - Re-Assessor - May 3, 2023[12]


  • Got a complete rework to make it more fun and remove a lot of friction from the controls.
  • Spheres are now shot by hitting the shoot key while moving into a direction, instead of holding it and aiming in a direction. This makes shooting feel much more fluent.
  • Picking items up is now consistent in controls, being bound on the use key by default (as "using" often means "picking up" with gadgets and caves). The controls are automatically reset to this default, so please change as you like (but note that you should keep use and collect on the same key, ideally).
  • Bundle is now the default mode of shooting resources. Ability to shoot single resources is gone. While it was fun, it was too unreliable and slightly redundant. To shoot a bundle, just move in a direction and press the shoot key.
  • Rotational mining is gone. Instead you now push against the rock to remove it. This has the same gameplay, but you don't need a sphere to mine and it's less tedious.
  • Assessor now has the option of 3 sphere abilities: reflect, split and explode
    • Reflection is now a stationary field that can be placed, instead of being an ability you have to time perfectly. While the old way was fun too, it didn't stay fun if you kept reflecting spheres for 2 hours.
    • Added sphere explosion ability, which lets spheres in your vicinity explode, removing a lot of rocks around them.
    • Reflect, split and explode each got one improvement upgrade in the tech tree.
  • Rebalanced reload times, with a repeatable upgrade to get more spheres and a repeatable upgrade to extend the sphere lifetimes.
  • Added a free pet and skin, in addition to the Assessor Gear Pack (which also has a pet and a skin.)
  • Added 3 achievements for the new skills and updated the older ones.


  • Started season 4.
  • Added "Pro Mode". It's a prestige modifier aimed for the keepers competing for the highest scores. Until now they had to restart their runs often until they had their desired gadget and cave combination. To avoid this unproductive repetition, you can now choose an order of caves and gadgets when starting a run in pro mode. Pro Mode unlocks when getting the achievement of winning prestige with 1000 score points.
  • All highscores can now be seen on the title screen. This panel can be hidden if it bothers you.
  • Added upgrade to lower time until the next wave, to get rid of joyless waiting after you mined the whole map. Everything is sped up, including the converter, mineral tree and shield.


  • Drillbert mode can now be unlocked as a regular run modifier!
  • Reduced blast mining upgrade cost, increased last stage blast radius and lowered initial production time.
  • Teleporter will now just stabilize instead of trying to float back to the position it was dropped at.
  • Mineral Tree from the seed cave has changed root mechanics, which especially impacts prestige. Previously it was best to build a very sophisticated setup of connected cobalt for the tree to grow in. This was a ton of work and quite RNG dependent, which was no fun. Now the tree only grows roots within a radius of 3.5 tiles (fraction is important for diagonals) and can only grow one cobalt in total.
  • Mineral tree now drops resources that are not picked up after a cycle. This way it can also work with lift or resource teleporter, and generally requires less attention.


  • Added Catalan, Estonian, Slovakian, Hebrew and Filipino as community translated languages (incomplete right now - if you want to help translate Dome Keeper into your language: check out the link in the language selection panel in the options!). Please reach out if the fonts are not great, we need some help with it (ideally with a suggestion for two fonts, one being monospaced and the other not). Thank you to everyone who helped translate it! We will have support for Arabic once we can upgrade the engine from Godot 3 to Godot 4 this year.
  • Added button to show all relevant previous tutorials in the pause menu
  • Rebalanced cobalt distribution across all maps. Previously it was pretty much equally spaced out, but now it gets more sparse the deeper you go, to compensate for how your mining ability gets more powerful.
  • Added different sky backgrounds per world when landing.
  • Achievements are now checked upon startup, so if you have something unlocked/completed but are missing the achievement, it should automatically pop up on startup.
  • Reworked relic bomb animation (the old skull is back!)
  • Improved handling of the laser when using a gamepad. It should now respond more directly to the stick movements.


  • Fixed teleporter looking deactivated after keeper teleports.
  • Sword does not try to reflect rocks anymore.
  • Driller is reachable by longest swords again.
  • Improved shield hud visuals, with ability duration not hiding shield state.
  • Very slightly changed timing on when scarab switches phases.
  • Improved some UI sounds.
V2.4.3 image.png

v2.4.3 - Springloaded Patch #1 - March 31, 2023[13]

  • Run modifiers for Relic Hunt will now unlock one by one. Each time you win Relic Hunt and have two or less other new things unlocked, a run modifier will unlock too
  • Double Iron Mode now gives a bit more iron and also more water
  • Fixed countdown variant in prestige not always being unlocked by default
  • Flames in the Blast Mining station now show up in an exponential time, which gives better feedback as to when the next bomb is ready
  • Relic bomb will now again kill monsters that are not actually hittable
  • Fixed prestige showing nan when the score is negative
  • Mouse is now fully functional for choosing a gadget
" you how Anne sketched Drillbert initially"

v2.4.2 - Springloaded Hotfix #2 - March 15, 2023[14]

  • fixed repellent delay achievement not triggering
  • fixed crash when assessor shoots bundle into resource teleporting teleporter
  • fixed drillbert sometimes staying scared after wave was over
  • implemented limit on number of times a repeatable upgrade can be bought. This is set now for the Spire upgrade that would eventually become a negative.
  • not showing lock icon for upgrades that have multiple predecessors, but only need one to unlock. A bit cleaner this way.
  • fixed autoheal crashing the game when playing fixed cobalt
  • added sound to auto heal and impact recuperation
  • not spawning punisher monsters in automation mode anymore

v2.4.1 - Springloaded Hotfix #1 - March 8, 2023[15]

With this version, the timing is affected by the difficulty like this:

  • normal 20% more time between waves - 72s initially
  • hard 10% more time between waves - 66s initially
  • brutal remains the same, 60s initially
  • yafi 20% less time between waves - 48s initially
  • fixed cheat detection marking runs on fixed cobalt cheated if they lasted above 20 cycles
  • fixed time between waves not being correctly influenced by difficulty
  • fixed diver not dying when hit with repellent's toxic fumes
  • fixed maze and long cycles not working together
  • added back strong repair for fixed cobalt mode, was missing by accident (50% heal instead of 15%)
  • implemented workaround to fix invisible relic switch chambers (long standing rare bug) that prevented finished a relic hunt run
  • spire burst now has 6s recharge time instead of 8s

v2.4 - Springloaded + Prestige Season 3 - March 7, 2023[16]


  • Added a defensive gadget called “Spire”, which can deal well with monster projectiles
  • Added an offensive gadget called “Autocannon”, which behaves like the stun laser but is all about dealing damage
  • Added a mining gadget called “Prospection Meter”, which displays the distance to the nearest resources
  • Probe can now detect caves and chambers
  • All primary gadgets got rebalanced, especially their battle abilities
  • Orchard shield and roots now persist between waves
  • Shield got more hp and reflection and electro blast got big buffs
  • Repellent wither now does not flat out reduce HP from all monsters, but makes monsters take much more damage while it lasts
  • Drillbert and Drilliam are now much better at drilling and the upgrade branch is now changed slightly
  • Added an upgrade for Drillbert which shows you the direction to Drillbert, when carrying a treat
  • Drillbert is now scared when monsters come instead of going to sleep, to better show the difference between the two states
  • Added slot visualisation for gadgets, so that you can see where each gadget goes upfront. You usually can only use one gadget per slot (so no stun laser and auto cannon together)
  • Added an upgrade to the Teleporter, to be able to teleport with a lot of carryables (like blast mines or Drillbert treats)
  • Rebalanced converter upgrades and conversions to offer more useful options
  • Reworked and improved the stun laser with a lot of new upgrades. Removed the damage option as this is now Autocannons job
  • lift orbs now always cost 1 water and 1 iron, and never increase in cost


  • Added two new run modifiers: ‘HUD’ and ‘Automation’
  • Countdown is now the default mode for prestige. The old standard mode is now called “endless”.
  • Changed prestige difficulty to not take collected resources or gadgets into account at all
  • Rebalanced relic hunt difficulty slightly, so amount of collected resources factors in less
  • Cobalt upgrades now increase in cost in prestige countdown, so that it won’t stretch the run for too long


  • Added additional stab damage to most of the sword blade upgrades, so upgrading the blade has a stronger positive impact on the stab
  • Improved Javelin visuals and feel
  • Increased Javelin damage
  • Buffed impact recuperation
  • Increased slice damage for all blade upgrades
  • Increased base health and additional health points from upgrades


  • Domes now have an auto heal upgrade, that will heal the dome if it is about to be destroyed but you still have cobalt
  • Domes now have a wave warner upgrade, that will let you know when it’s about time to head back to the dome because a wave approaches
  • Domes now have an upgrade that shows you the shortest way back to the dome. The shortest might not always be the fastest, but you can’t get lost this way
  • Added telemetry, which helps us balance the game and focus on the things that will improve it the most. Telemetry means capturing some in-game events and sending them to us, so we can better understand how you play. For example, we can see how often each upgrade is bought, and thus can buff upgrades that are rarely used
  • Added the option to manually choose gamepad icons in-menu (Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo). Controllers are often detected as generic devices, so your operating system cannot detect that it is a PS4 controller, for example - and thus not automatically pick the right icons


  • To avoid unwanted relic bomb triggers in relic hunt, it will will only launch when hp reaches zero, and won’t trigger if auto repair can still happen
  • Fixed enemies staying stunned for the whole duration of repellents slowdown abilities, after going into full stun once
  • Fixed scarab sometimes surviving the relic bomb like a badass
  • Fixed worm rock not properly being removed after being blocked with sword
  • Fixed key hints for use key binding always showing E, irrespective of actual binding
  • Fixed some glyphs not updating to changed keybindings without reloading the game
  • Fixed numbers in tech tree being unpleasantly offset for languages with non-western fonts
  • Added more stats to the leaderboard submission to help with cheat detection
  • Fixed scanner cave not revealing first biome
  • Gadget drop will not get resources stuck anymore, if you deliver it to the dome with a lot of resources
  • Fixed gadget chamber not opening after reload, if game was saved while it was opening
  • Fixed big tick not properly playing its explosion sound when hitting the dome
  • Fixed Drillbert treat turning invisible when Drilliam is unlocked
  • Orchard shield now dissolves when dome is destroyed
  • Invulnerable monsters will not be affected by any stun or damage ability (caused various issues like big ticks being invulnerable because they were stunned underground by repellents paralysis)
  • For shield, fixed additional battle ability duration not being added after overcharging but depleting the overcharge part of the shield
  • Fixed shield gadget reflection ability not catching some projectiles reliably
  • Fixed beast animation getting messed up when stunned while jumping onto the dome
  • Critter worms will now vanish if their tile is destroyed
  • Tree seeds will also grow if they were about to root on a tile that then gets destroyed
  • Probe impulse and marker now properly react to game pause and persists in the game save
  • Fixed the big input icon in the pause menu not immediately switching, if input method was changed
  • Drillbert treat will now better catch up with Drillbert, if he’s speeding past it
  • Fixed language select panel in some locales never setting focus to language buttons, being unable to switch the language without the mouse
  • Fixed repeatable upgrades not marking resource cost as red, when it would be too expensive
  • Fixed save getting broken if saving after sword dome impact recuperation triggered
  • Fixed gadget choice popup sometimes staying outside of screen, if multiple gadgets are brought to the dome simultaneously
  • Fixed pet duplicating on reload when one hatched from an egg and one was brought with you
  • Triggers can now be properly bound to actions
  • Fixed faulty animation of diver when it hits the dome while the dome is invulnerable
  • Fixed sword pad still reflecting projectiles after dome got destroyed
  • Fixed shield hud not updating battle ability display when wave ends


  • Slightly better carry capability of engineers first carry upgrade
  • Orchard now shows additional battle ability use from overcharge in HUD too
  • Reduced driller damage by 20%
  • Slightly reduced lasers stun capability
  • Last health upgrade of laser dome increases health less, but is also cheaper

v2.3.2 - Laser Hot Fix - January 13, 2023[17]

  • fixed monsters not getting hit by laser, if there is a projectile between monster and laser
  • fixed destroyed projectiles still catching the laser, allowing projectiles behind it to pass through
  • fixed only ever seeing world 1 after unlocking the second one
  • scarab won't flash white when invulnerable and hit
  • fixed squidley getting stuck when trying to carry off a resource that is in the lift, but pushed onto an impassable ceiling

v2.3.1 - Balance and Bugfixes - January 5, 2023[18]

  • toned down the stag
    • 1000hp -> 800hp
    • 10 dmg air projectile -> 8 dmg air projectile
    • 100 dmg ground projectile -> 80 dmg ground projectile
  • toned down the scarab
    • 1200hp -> 1000hp
    • 40 dmg -> 25 dmg
    • only goes invincible once
  • increased sword dome health by 25%
  • reworked the Javelin. The sword now reappears immediately after shooting, and you are never blocked from moving the pad after shooting. The tradeoff is you can no longer control the Javelin in flight. To keep the timing, the charging does take slightly longer. To improve feedback on charging being finished, it no longer charges linearly and ends with a sound and animation.
  • buffed sword fast stab damage across all upgrades
  • fixed orchard shield not actually protecting from stag and scarab projectiles
  • orchard shield now also blocks worm rocks
  • tree seed won't grow on indestructible tiles anymore
  • halved the cost increase of buying lift orbs repeatedly
  • fixed gadget duplication exploit via saving and reloading in the right moment
  • fixed crash when switching between some audio devices
  • fixed rare crash when reloading save and the squidley cave has been found
  • fixed stag and scarab projectiles not getting reflected by sword dome
  • increased damage and size of explosion of projectiles that got reflected by sword dome
  • fixed scarab getting stuck outside of screen
  • improved the timing of the scarab losing its arms
  • fixed stun laser sometimes not targetting stag
  • fixed stun laser sometimes wobbling in place instead of targeting an enemy

v2.2.14 - Hard Pressed Tuning Update - December 16, 2022[19]

  • Stag and Scarab projectiles no longer explode mid-air when pausing game
  • Stag fires single projectile with combined damage amount instead of two separate ones, visuals slightly improved
  • Adjusted final wave balance to be more viable on smaller runs, and slightly increased time between monsters
  • Fixed Miner mode not displaying if Miner mode was the only unlocked Prestige mode variation
V2.2 scarab.gif

v2.2 - Hard Pressed + Prestige Season 2 - December 14, 2022[20]

  • added two very strong, late game monsters: the stag and the scarab
  • added a new prestige mode variation named "Miner", where you dig for 20 cycles without monsters
  • added a new world that is exclusive to prestige
  • added seasons to leaderboard. We had so many changes to balance already, and with the new monsters we start season 2. Season 1 scores are still visible in the leaderboard an via steam
  • improved map generation, so that resource distribution is closer to what it was before the last change especially for prestige mode
  • fixed rat animation when he's stuck in a corner
  • stingray will now fly at lower heights, to differentiate more from flyer
  • improved stingray death sound
  • showing friends highscores in prestige by default, but remembering your last choice
  • reworked driller sprites to a much larger size. They can't be sliced with the sword now, unless they are drilling.

v2.1.7 - Caves & Critters Patch #2 - November 30, 2022[21]

  • fixed crash when scanner cave was used while drop was still being placed into socket
  • added new intro monsters getting landed on
  • fixed worm spawning outside of map
  • fixed shield overcharge being white. It's now back to the way it was before.
  • fix lag spike when fog in the overworld would spawn

v2.1 - Caves & Critters - November 24, 2022[22]

  • added 4 new caves
  • added critters, small creatures roaming the mines. They can be disabled via options.
  • shield can now be overcharged during battle
  • changed how double laser affects movement speed and damage
  • improved Assessor movement
  • smaller Assessor rebalances: spheres reload a bit faster, some upgrades are a bit cheaper, re-arranged some upgrades to access sphere split earlier. Deeper changes will come in a later update, thank you for all the feedback!
  • improved all icons for Assessor
  • Assessor now always shoots at full force
  • Assessor can now pick up things from caves with the pickup button. Not ideal yet, but slightly more consistent.
  • translated thousands of words across many languages
  • fixed dome sometimes being destroyed before invulnerability on shield depletion was able to take effect
  • shield hud now also shows overcharge status and ability duration
  • fixed last bomb upgrade for sword long stab not having an effect
  • divers will now spawn again
  • fixed butterflies only coming from the left side
  • improved all monster energy projectile sprites
  • improved resource distribution in maps slightly, in preparation of bigger maps
Prestige map.png

v2.1 Hotfix[23]

  • fixed crash when squid picked up bundled resource
  • fixed wave timer not running on reloading game
  • never switching to mouse and keyboard controls, when playing on Steam Deck
  • fixed drone cave turning into a rock tile after reloading the savegame twice
  • fixed squids moving into rock and sometimes getting stuck, when the scanner cave was activated before

v2.0.15 - Hotfix For Unbalanced Wave Generation - November 20, 2022[24]

  • fixed monsters of the same type only coming from the same direction within a wave.
  • less lopsided waves - some of it is ok and interesting, but it's a bit less random now
  • divers will spawn again
  • fixed rare crash when starting a new game or loading an old save
Assessor art.png

v2.0 - November 10, 2022[25]

  • added the Assessor, a new keeper based around control of gravity. Also comes with a completely new OST and 4 Achievements.
  • added a new monster, the Stingray. It's a lowest tier flying monster, bringing a bit of variety early on, replacing the flyer in some worlds.
  • improved sprites for Rockman
  • buffed orchard:
    • Root explosion deals a fixed, high amount of damage.
    • Fruit buff upgrades are much cheaper.
    • Shield last for much longer and is a bit cheaper.
  • more community translated languages now available
  • reworked sword impact recurperation and added visual effect for when it's active. It will now activate during the battle, as soon as the damage threshold is reached.
  • added alternative tooltips for other controller types than xbox. Automatic detection should work for Playstation and Switch Pro controller.
  • improved sprites for keepers in loadout screen
  • added option to set how often music plays
  • improved colors of orchard fruit in HUD, for better readability towards the end
  • improved animations for unlockable screen
  • improved some worm and sword sounds
  • wave counter and inventory now cost 1 water

v1.5.17 - October 27, 2022[26]

  • fixed movement with gamepad stick slowing down unpredicatably. There were some other quirks around movement speed, but now it should all be fine.
  • skeleton cave won't spawn in Prestige anymore. Unlocks like worlds, difficulties, pets or modifiers are not available for prestige, so generating the cave in Prestige was misleading.
  • fixed skin selection not properly remembering last used skin
  • small balancing change of laser strength 3 with double laser. Combination was OP and probably still is, so the total damage and stun is reduced a bit.

v1.5 - October 25, 2022 to November 13, 2022[27]

Summary of Seasonal Content:

  • Skeleton Suit
    • Spooky skin.gif
  • Spooky Underground
  • Flaming Skull Pet

Patch Notes:

  • Added a pet, a new cave, and decorations for Halloween. Only available until the 13th of November, but unlock permanently if you get it now. You can disable seasonal content via options if you prefer "vanilla".
  • Fixed pet and egg not saving properly
  • Improved many sounds
  • Gamepad bindings now also got alternative key bindings and the axis can also be bound (stick or trigger)
  • Laser strength 3 and double laser are not mutually exclusive anymore
  • Pets don't duplicate on reload anymore
  • Skin unlocks are now also listed when showing what was unlocked this run
  • Fixed keeper slowing down when moving the stick and then pressing and releasing d-pad in the same direction
  • Fixed prestige maps just stop at a fixed depth, instead of fading out naturally
  • Fixed double iron modifier not being remembered to be selected previously
  • Fixed lift not going through the middle of indestructible parts where there was no border tile
  • Added animation for sword dome in the loadout screen. Also added a dummy monster to show the sword's impact better.
  • Shield reflection stage 2 from 2s to 3s
  • Sword fast stab 2 adds 20 instead of 10 damage to the stab
  • Sword stab cooldown change for bomb upgrade goes from +3s to +1s
  • Sword stab last bomb upgrade now has 3 charges instead of 2
  • Sword javelin upgrade adds 40 damage instead of 50
  • Orchard roots now spawn 6 and 12 roots, instead of 4 and 8. Additionally, it lasts for 12s and 24s, instead of 10s and 20s. This is only a small step, orchard needs some more serious buffs or additions.
  • Removed empty Drillbert upgrade

v41.5 - October 18, 2022[28]

  • fixed some tiles being indestructible, that should not be. This affected resources sometimes beind inside in border tiles, but also unreachable chambers.
  • lift can now pass through indestructible terrain, so should be viable on all maps
  • fixed laser sound playing permanently in some cases
  • added option to detect used gamepad automatically. If you got problems with a gamepad, try changing this setting.
  • repeatable drill upgrade of the engineer is now much stronger, going from a 50% to a 120% increase
  • fixed long probe marker retention being overwritten if purchasing an upgrade with shorter retention
  • reduced probe auto recharge time from 0.8 to 0.5 cycles
  • disabled HDR, so there should not be any effect on monitor brightness anymore
  • orchard root now pauses properly
  • exploit of reloading the game to "roll" higher yields from tiles should not work anymore
  • fixed a "fixed cobalt" run causing that no cobalt would spawn in next run
  • reduced amount of very hard and very soft rock a bit (effectively lowered the increase from last patch to 50%)
  • fixed all "fixed cobalt" runs markes as cheated, if the cobalt multiplier was bought
  • removed some false positives from the cheat detection

v41.4 - October 11, 2022[29]

  • fixed cheat detection having a lot of false positives. Old highscores might be gone now, as they falsely got flagged as cheated. This will be a thing we continuously improve, so more and more cheat/exploit runs are caught. We also clean the leaderboards from time to time.
  • added "double iron" run modifier for relic hunt as a challenge to your logistic setup. It doubles both the iron cost of upgrades as well as the iron amount found underground.
  • automatically switching to larger font sizes, when playing on steam deck
  • fixed big ticks going into a state of being stunned and invincible, when caught in an orchard root while burrowing
  • fixed stun laser trying to rotate underneath the dome
  • fixed maze and long cycle modifier being incompatible
  • memory upgrade of probe is now not exclusive to the other higher tier upgrades
  • changed condenser code slightly, possible fixing an issue with it stopping production
  • possibly fixed teleporter teleporting to the same place where it started
  • pet will now not wildly jump positions if out of sight
  • controller vibration will now only happen if controller is actually used
  • fixed orchard and repellent charging up in the initial grace period, where no monsters spawn
  • reduced number of monsters that can be on screen at the same time, more so for hardest difficulty
  • punishers are much more effective now, and won't trigger when not intended
  • fixed controller not vibrating, if any given vibration would go over 100%
  • focus continue button in main menu, if it is available
  • increased the density spread, so more tiles belong to the extreme hardness stages
  • increased difference between hardness 2 and 3, raised hardness 5 a bit and lowered progression between biomes slightly
  • fixed map being cut off when zoomed out in 16:10
  • changed font for hungarian
  • prestige scores of 0 won't be uploaded anymore
  • fixed mode button not switching correctly to the button left of it, for some languages
  • reduced drillbert drill upgrade costs a bit

v41.3 - October 5, 2022[30]

  • Added accessibility option to highlight monsters with an outline
  • Orchard fruit buff cannot be stacked anymore, but repeated use will refresh the buff
  • Added missing sword dome tutorial popup
  • Allowing bind of pick up and drop to the same key again, as in the Dome Romantik prototype
  • Added huge map for relic hunt
  • Showing up to 3 unlocks now, instead of 2 at most
  • Improved controller detection, which might solve issues with some models being unresponsive
  • Added information on which rule in the cheat detection was triggered, allowing us to improve it in the next patch, after seeing what causes the false positives
  • Lift now starts with an additional orb, and more orbs cost 1 water instead of 2
  • Teleporter won't teleport resources during battle anymore
  • Fixed repair indicator on health bar sometimes staying visible after closing the tech tree
  • Fixed vibration setting from options not being applied
  • Fixed keeper not moving if exiting the station with an already rotated joystick
  • Fixed keeper being stuck in pickup mode if the station was entered holding the pickup key
  • Fixed one instance of the cheat detection triggering erroneously
  • Fixed some small errors in the savegames
  • Fixed issue where final battle music was playing after the wave was over, overlapping the win music
  • Fixed condenser, converter, and drillbert achievements not counting properly, if the game was saved and reloaded
  • Improved blue underground biome color to be more distinct from grey
  • Rendering all percentage values without digits after the decimal point in the upgrade tree
  • Improved rock texture for medium rock hardness
  • Fixed unlock potentially getting lost if immediately exiting the game upon unlock
  • Selected gadget in keep gadget popup is now animated, for better visibility
  • Fixed button focus in loadout stage not jumping from gadget to mode as expected
  • Reduced condenser production delay on overcharge from 0.75 to 0.5 cycles

v41.2 - September 29, 2022[31]

  • Fixed crashes when loading a savegame, related to Mineral Tree and Shield
  • Added anti-cheat system for Prestige Mode
  • Some players with non-Latin characters in their names did not see their names on the leaderboards. Fixed implementing a new font
  • Match modifiers have been changed to checkboxes instead of buttons
  • Fixed keeping a gadget not working, when the previously saved gadget was chosen again
  • Fixed Pet and Map Size unlocks vanishing, if game was immediately quit after the run
  • Added controller vibration. Options now has a setting for vibration strength
  • Small SFX tweaks in the Beast and Big Tick monsters
  • Raw Fury logo now fullscreen in 21:9
  • Fixed UI not being responsive to joystick anymore, if an alternative key mapping was applied
  • Fixed snow overlay being offset in world 3

