Stun Laser

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The Stun Laser is a gadget that slows monsters approching the dome. It takes up 1 of the 2 Dome Surface gadget slots. The Stun Laser has upgrades for speed, stamina, area stun, area damage and autonomy. By default it can fire for three seconds before recharging for 4.5 secconds. It can also eliminate ticks without damage upgrades.


Stun Laser Upgrade Tree.png

Base Upgrade 1 Upgrade 2 Upgrade 3
Stamina Fire Time 3s
Cooldown 4.5s
Fire Time 6s
Cooldown 3.6s
Fire Time 12s
Cooldown 2.6s
Fire Time 30s
Cooldown 6s
Speed 0.5 0.85 1.6
Stun Strength 1.8 3 5.5
Stun Area 30 75
Stun Damage 1 Dps 3 Dps

Autonomy: "Stun laser activates even when you are not inside the control station."