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This page has been last updated for v2.6.3
Current: Steam v3.1.0.15, GOG v3.0.3.2

Monster mucker.png

Muckers are medium-sized, slow-moving enemies. They use their powerful fists to punch the dome.


  • HP: 200
  • Damage: 40, Damage Per Second: 25, Attacks Per Second: 0.63
  • Speed: 30
  • Stun Laser Priority: 2, Full Stun Threshold: 2.5
  • Weight: 100, Min Run Weight: 150
  • Tier 3



The mucker spawns on either side of the world.

Two muckers also spawn in the second to last phase of the scarab.


The mucker slowly walks up to the dome.


The mucker uses its two muscular arms to punch the dome.


Note that the table contains a lot of media, which may take time to load.

Animation Name Animation
Combined Mucker Sequence.gif
Walk Mucker Walk.gif
Prepare Attack Mucker AttackPrepare.gif
Attack Mucker Attack.gif
Die Attacking Mucker Die Attacking.gif
Die Mucker Die Walking.gif


Sound Sound Name Context
DomePunch03_03.wav The mucker punching the dome
MuckerDie.wav The mucker dying