Dome Keeper

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It’s hard not to simply want more


Dome Keeper is a 2D (Graphically 3D) rogue-like survival miner created by Bippinbits and published to Steam by Raw Fury.

Created for the Ludum Dare 48 game jam in 72 hours, the game was initially called Dome Romantik. At that time the people who worked on the game were Rene and his wife Anne. Cameron Paxton joined after the jam ended and produced the soundtrack for the game. Anne created all of the graphics for Dome Romantik, Rene did production and direction, and Cameron Paxton composed the soundtrack. The team had additional help from Robert Jan.

The game has two phases: a mining one and a combat one. During the mining part, you go below your dome and try to find resources: iron, water and cobalt. Using those resources you can upgrade your keeper, dome and gadgets. When the mining cycle time is up, the combat stage begins. During combat, monsters begin spawning and you have to protect your dome from them.


Currently, there is only two available character - the Engineer. The second keeper - the Assessor


The Engineer has a drill that mines blocks when you try to move into them. To carry resources, the engineer uses picks them up using his jetpack, slowing his movement speed. The upgrade tree contains upgrades for the drill, movement speed and carry strength. The drill upgrades make the drill stronger. The movement speed upgrades make the keeper move faster. Carry upgrades make carrying resources less impactful on speed, meaning you can carry more resources.


The Assessor utilizes the power of gravity.

The Assessor has two primary means of mining, compression mining and throwing kinetic spheres that bounce of tiles and damage them.


Currently, the game has 4 unlockable domes. The Laser Dome, Sword Dome, Artillery Dome and Tesla Dome. Each dome has its unique weapon to protect it.

Laser Dome

The Laser Dome, as the name suggests has a laser. The laser can be upgraded in terms of speed and strength. There are additional upgrades like double laser and aim correction.

Sword Dome

The Sword Dome is equipped with a sword. The sword can slice, with the slice doing more damage the more speed it has. The sword can also stab by holding the stab button, making it extend until it reaches the limit or you stop pressing it.

Artillery Dome

The Artillery Dome has a full set of artillary weapons. It is equipped with a mortar and an anti-air gun. It's also currently the only dome with 2 different weapons.

Tesla Dome

The Tesla Dome uses a reticle to move around the screen. Charge it up to shoot an electric blast. Upgrades add ability for powerful combos.


The mine is located below the dome and has breakable tiles on the inside and unbreakable ones on the edges of the mine. The mine is made out of tiles from different hardness's. The harder the tile, the more hits it takes to break. The mine is also sectioned into multiple horizontal layers, each having a greater impact on tile hardness. Each layer has it's own sound effects and wildlife (plants and critters)