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Modifiers (also known as Run Modifiers) are changes to game mechanics exclusive to Relic Hunt only. They can be selected from the load out menu before starting a run.


Unlocking modifiers happens randomly after winnning Relic Hunt.


Automated Defense

Unlocks all offensive gadgets, alongside their Autonomous upgrade: Auto Cannon, Spire, Stun Laser. But it removes the domes’ main weapon.


  • Since all autonomy upgrades are unlocked at the start, this allows the player to mine during waves too.

Double iron

All iron drops are doubled, but all iron costs are double too.


This modifier makes the game more RNG-dependant.


All HUD upgrades are unlocked for free: Proximity Meter, Inventory, Health Meter.

This modifier is purely a Quality-Of-Life one and doesn’t have downsides.

Long Cycles

Mining phase time is doubled, but waves are harder.


  • Make the most of your mining time.
  • Upgrading offenders earlier than usual can help.


Alters map generation so there are more “branches” to the mine, resembling a maze.


This modifier has no upsides and is purely a challenge for more advanced players.

Quick & Feeble

Monsters are faster, but have less health.


  • Adapt your fighting style and enemy prioritisation.

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Drillbert Mode

The keepers mining upgrades are limited, but you can get many Drillberts.