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Reason: Gadget images

At the start of a game, you choose a primary gadget. The primary gadget is located inside the dome and will provide you with active combat abilities once they have been unlocked. Additional gadgets are found in the mine, and once brought to the dome give the player a choice of 2 gadgets.

Primary Gadgets

Primary gadgets(also known as Main Gadgets) are located inside the dome and can be chosen as a setting before entering a game. All primary gadgets can be overcharged, granting them a temporary buff.



The shield protects your dome by absorbing incoming damage. It has a limit to how much damage it can absorb, which can be expanded with upgrades. It recharges for every wave.

In-game Description Install a shield that will absorb some damage. Recharges automatically.
Base Stats Strength 40hp
Slot Primary Gadget Choice Primary.png

Battle abilities

Electro Blast

Creates a deadly field effect around your dome for a short time.


Makes your dome invulnerable for a short time.


Reflects incoming projectiles for a short time.



The repellent delays the next wave of attacking monsters and recharges every 2 game cycles.

In-game Description Install a tank that produces a monster-repelling liquid. Activate to spray outside the dome, delaying the next wave of attackers.
Base Stats Production Time (cycles) 1.90
Wave Delay (cycles) 0.25
Slot Primary Gadget Choice Primary.png

Battle abilities


Weakens all present monsters, immediately lowering their remaining health.


Spray a numbing mist during combat that slows all monsters down



The orchards' fruit can be consumed, shortly buffing the players' speed and drill power.

In-game Description Plant a tree in the dome that grows fruits to temporarily improve your movement and mining power.
Base Stats Buff Duration (cycles) 0.30
Mining Strength Buff 0.20
Growth Time (cycles) 1.50
Move Speed Buff 25
Slot Primary Gadget Choice Primary.png

Battle abilities

Snare Roots

Activate during battle to grow roots outside the dome that will trap any medium-sized monster stepping on them.

Projectile Shield

Grow a shield that protects the dome from projectiles.



Install a yard for producing drones used in resource transportation and combat.

In-game Description Install a yard for producing drones used in resource transportation and combat.
Base Stats Drone Speed 40
Transport Drones 1
Slot Primary Gadget Choice Primary.png

Battle abilities

Battle Grid

Deploy a formation of battle drones to defend against nearby monsters.

Parasitic Drones

Release drones that attach to and weaken the strongest monsters they can find. The monster will subsequently take more damage and be continuously stunned.

Additional Gadgets

Additional gadgets can be discovered in 2x2 chambers throughout a run. Returning the gadget to the dome allows the player to select either one of two gadgets or two cobalt. Gadgets can occupy six different types of gadget slots, of which the Dome Keeper has a finite amount. Due to limited gadget spawns and slots, not all gadgets can be gathered in a single run.

Gadget chamber.pngGadget inside open chamber.pngGadget.png

Gadget choice.png

The gadgets take up to 1 or 2 "gadget slots". They are visually represented in this image:

Gadgets n Supplements.jpg

Auto Cannon

Auto Cannon Icon.png

The Auto Cannon is an offensive gadget, capable of targeting and firing at enemies automatically while the player is in the dome and using the computer.

In-game Description Install a powerful automatic cannon on your dome that does heavy damage to monsters.
Base Stats Bullet Damage 4
Rate of Fire 100%
Movement Speed 0.45
Bullet Spray 0%
Time between shots 2s
Slot Dome Surface Gadget Choice Dome Surface.png
Supplement Fast Firing Cannon The auto cannon fires much faster. Simple and effective.


fire rate (cost:) -> choose one:

  • 1: -> rapid fire (cost:) -> faster rapid -> faster rapid fire
  • 2: -> shotgun (cost:, dmg: 20, shots: 1, reload: 2) -> more shots (cost:, dmg:, shots: 3, reload:) -> more shots (cost:, dmg, shots: 5, reload:)

movement speed (cost:) -> operate even when player is not present (cost: 2 water)

Blast Mining

Blast Mining Icon.png

Creates a blast charge, that destroys all tiles in a circular radius, after a small countdown.

In-game Description Produce blast charges for explosive mining. Carry them into the mines and release to detonate.
Base Stats Blast Charges 1
Production time (cycles) 1
Explosion radius (tiles) 2.70
Slot Cellar Gadget Choice Cellar.png
Supplement Triple Charges Produce multiple blast charges at once instead of a single one.


bigger blast radius -> choose one:

  • 1: -> bigger radius
  • 2: -> 3 small bombs

choose one:

  • 3: -> stick to wall and only destroy that wall
  • 4: -> detonate on impact (instead of having a small countdown)

Buzz Saw

Buzz Saw Icon.png

Install a buzz saw running along the dome cupola, dealing damage to nearby monsters.

In-game Description Install a buzz saw running along the dome cupola, dealing damage to nearby monsters.
Base Stats Damage per Second 8
Move Speed 0.45
Slot Dome Surface Gadget Choice Dome Surface.png
Supplement Double Buzz Saw Install another buzz saw to effectively defend both sides of the dome.


Condenser Icon.png

The Condenser slowly produces water in the dome that has to be manually picked up.

In-game Description Add a machine under the dome that slowly produces water through condensation.
Base Stats Production Time (cycles) 1.80
Stores water 1
Slot Cellar Gadget Choice Cellar.png
Supplement Auto Overcharge Keep your primary gadget permanently overcharged without using up water. Water production will be delayed after overcharging.


faster production -> choose one:

  • 1: even faster production -> store 2 before it stops working
  • 2: production is automatically stored

automatically power gadget, but productions is delayed by 0.5 cycles

Dome Armor

Dome Armor Icon.png

Install a robust plating onto your dome, making it more durable.

In-game Description Install a robust plating onto your dome, making it more durable.
Base Stats Health Capacity 900hp
Slot Dome Surface Gadget Choice Dome Surface.png
Supplement Reactive Pulse The dome armor retains a portion of the kinetic energy from attacks received, eventually releasing it in strong pulses that stun nearby enemies.


Drillbert Icon.png

Drillbert helps you dig by doing his best in drilling a straight line, sometimes taking a power nap when he gets tired. Upgrades include multiple drill-related ones and treats.

In-game Description Adopt an adorable creature that loves to dig. Carry it into the mine and drop it off where you want it to work. Check back to wake it up when it goes to sleep on the job.
Base Stats Drilling hits 200
Drill Strength 0.70
Slot Cellar Gadget Choice Cellar.png
Supplement Dynamic Duo Bring in Drillbert's cousins Diggory and Minerva to help with mining.

Drilling Rig

Drilling Rig Icon.png

A central drill to go deep into the mine, with an optional side driller.

In-game Description A central drill to go deep into the mine, with an optional side driller.
Base Stats Side Extension Speed 20
Side Driller Time per Tile 4s
Slot Mine Shaft Gadget Choice Mine Shaft.png
Supplement Additional Side Driller Gain more side drillers with the same functionality as the first.


Furnace Icon.png

Install a furnace with a chimney. Its smoke delays the next monster attack.

In-game Description Install a furnace with a chimney. Its smoke delays the next monster attack.
Base Stats Iron Delay 6s
Iron Burn Time (cycles) 2
Maximum Iron Stack 2
Base Delay 8s
Slots Cellar Gadget Choice Cellar and Dome Backside.png
Dome Backside
Supplement Numbing Fumes Add a toxic component to the fumes, numbing the nervous systems of the monsters and slowing down their movement.

Iron Worms

Iron Worms Icon.png

Grow portable extractor worms that attach to iron clusters and efficiently extract them over time.

In-game Description Grow portable extractor worms that attach to iron clusters and efficiently extract them over time.
Base Stats Additional Resources 1
Worm Production (cycles) 0.85
Extraction Duration 2s
Worms Produced 1
Slot Cellar Gadget Choice Cellar.png
Supplement Lair Implosion Instead of withering inside their tunnels, the worms will collapse rocks they tunneled into, also destroying some surrounding rock.


Lift Icon.png

The Lift brings up resources to the dome, using 2 orbs that can carry 3 resources. The orbs go to the very bottom of the shaft before going up and collect resources only on the way up. The resources carried by orbs cannot be taken by keeper anymore, similar to squidly.

In-game Description Install an automated lift that brings mined resources up for processing in the dome.
Base Stats Orbs carry resources 3
Orbs 4
Orb Speed 20
Slot Mine Shaft Gadget Choice Mine Shaft.png
Supplement Gravitational Lift Instead of using lifting orbs, all resources inside the lift are continuously moved upwards by an inverse gravity field. Partially refunds resources spent on orbs.


More orbs (cost: 1 iron, 1 water) -> infinite upgrades possible faster orbs -> orb carry capacity (3 -> 4)

Missile Launcher

Missile Launcher Icon.png

Fire target-seeking missiles at monsters. Must be manually triggered.

In-game Description Fire target-seeking missiles at monsters. Must be manually triggered.
Base Stats Damage 40
Rockets 1
Slots Dome Backside Gadget Choice Dome Backside and Secondary Combat Ability.png
Secondary Combat Ability
Supplement Restock Rockets The missile silo will restock all rockets some time after being emptied.

Mushroom Farm

Mushroom Farm Icon.png

Grow mushrooms in your cellar that can be planted inside the mine to get speed and mining buffs.

In-game Description Grow mushrooms in your cellar that can be planted inside the mine to get speed and mining buffs.
Base Stats Mining Strength Buff 0
Mining Buff Duration 0s
Growth Time (cycles) 1.50
Move Speed Buff 20
Speed Buff Duration 10s
Slot Cellar Gadget Choice Cellar.png
Supplement Stacked Mushrooms Stack the duration of each buff, gaining longer-lasting buffs by consuming many mushrooms.


Probe Icon.png

The Probe sends out an impulse that reveals the location of iron behind walls, by marking them with a cross like marker for a 5 seconds. The probe can be recharged only at the base.

In-game Description Add a probe to your suit which, when triggered, sends out a pulse that reveals nearby resources. Must be recharged at the station under the dome.
Base Stats Charges 1
Marker Retention 10s
Range (tiles) 4
Slots Cellar Gadget Choice Cellar and Keeper Suit.png
Keeper Suit
Supplement Stationless Probe The probe will recharge automatically over time, making the recharge station obsolete. Frees up the gadget slot in the cellar.

Upgrades: Range -> choose one:

  • 1: More range
  • 2: markers last 601 seconds (10 minutes)

reveal caves reveal gadgets reveal water reveal cobalt

Prospecting Meter

Prospecting Meter Icon.png

The Prospecting Meter is a gadget, similar to the Probe. It is a meter in the player HUD that shows the distance to iron. When the meter is fully lit, you are next to that resource.

In-game Description A meter that shows the distance to the nearest resources.
Base Stats Range (tiles) 5
Scan Delay 1.80s
Slot Keeper Suit Gadget Choice Keeper Suit.png
Supplement High Performance Meter Display the distance to the nearest chamber and improves the range significantly.



Reduce update Delay

Show Cobalt

Show Water

Resource Converter

Resource Converter Icon.png

The Converter helps to balance your inventory by offering resource conversions.

Initial options:

  • convert 1 water to 3 iron (over 0.80 cycles)
  • convert 4 iron to 1 water (over 0.80 cycles)
In-game Description Can convert resources, helping you balance your resource inventory.
Base Stats 1 Cobalt to Iron 0
Iron per Cobalt 0
Iron per Water 4
Iron to Water Conversion Time 0.80
1 Water to Iron 3
Slot Cellar Gadget Choice Cellar.png
Supplement Iron Refinement Convert some iron into much more iron.

Resource Packer

Resource Packer Icon.png

Install a resource packer into your suit which can pack and compress multiple resources into a bundle, making them easier to transport.

In-game Description Install a resource packer into your suit which can pack and compress multiple resources into a bundle, making them easier to transport.
Base Stats Charges 2
Bundle Size 4
Recharge Duration 25s
Slot Keeper Suit Gadget Choice Keeper Suit.png
Supplement None

Shockwave Hammer

Shockwave Hammer Icon.png

Install two hammers on the dome cupola that create intense shockwaves. Must be manually triggered.

In-game Description Install two hammers on the dome cupola that create intense shockwaves. Must be manually triggered.
Base Stats Cooldown 8s
Damage 5
Stun Duration 1s
Stun Strength 1
Slots Dome Surface Gadget Choice Dome Surface and Secondary Combat Ability.png
Secondary Combat Ability
Supplement Deadly Wave The shockwave deals a vast amount of damage which can even annihilate some stronger monsters.


Spire Icon.png

The Spire is a primarily defensive gadget that destroys enemy projectiles.

In-game Description A defensive Spire that shoots down incoming projectiles.
Base Stats Shots before Recharge 1
Recharge Time 5s
Targeting Time 0.20s
Slot Dome Backside Gadget Choice Dome Backside.png
Supplement None


better fire rate -> store additional charges

projectile traps

Stun Laser

Stun Laser Icon.png

The Stun Laser is a gadget that helps during combat by stunning enemies. Upgrades include longer stunning duration and laser speed.

In-game Description Install a laser that auto-targets and stuns monsters.
Base Stats Cooldown 4s
Fire Time 3s
Speed 0.50
Stun Strength 1.80
Slot Dome Surface Gadget Choice Dome Surface.png
Supplement Area Stun Creates a stun blast around the target monster that stuns all nearby monsters. The area grows and deals more damage the more monsters there are in it.

Suit Blaster

Suit Blaster Icon.png

Install a mining blaster into your suit which can explosively destroy rocks around you.

In-game Description Install a mining blaster into your suit which can explosively destroy rocks around you.
Base Stats Charges per Cycle 1.50
Maximum Charges 1
Blast Radius (tiles) 1.50
Slot Keeper Suit Gadget Choice Keeper Suit.png
Supplement Directional Charge When moving in a direction, the suit blaster will blast a long tunnel. Radial blasts can still be achieved by not moving when triggering the suit blaster.


1.1) More charges (repeatable 3 times): "Increase how many charges you can store in your suit. The more charges you have ready, the faster additional ones will charge."

(Effect: Additional Charge Speed per Charge - 0 % => 40%; Maximum charges "current max" => "current max + 1". Note that charging speed does not increase with subsequent upgrades);

1.2) Explosion Radius 1: "Increase the blast radius."

(Effect: Blast Radius (tiles) 1.50 => 2);

1.3) Explosion Radius 2: "Increase the blast radius."

(Effect: Blast Radius (tiles) 2 => 2.50);

2.1) Charge Speed 1: "Improve how quickly the suit charges a blast."

(Effect: Charges per Cycle 1.50 => 2.50);

2.2) Charge Speed 2: "Improve how quickly the suit charges a blast."

(Effect: Charges per Cycle 2.50 => 4).


Teleporter Icon.png

The Teleporter can be placed and moved around the mine, allowing the player to teleport to the dome and back.

In-game Description A two-way teleporter connects a station in the cellar with a movable portal.
Base Stats Carry Slowdown 28%
Teleport Duration 6s
Resource Teleport Cooldown 0s
Slot Cellar Gadget Choice Cellar.png
Supplement Teleport Resources The portal automatically sucks in nearby resources and teleports them to the dome.


1.1) Teleport Duration 1: "Teleporting yourself will take less time." (Effect: Teleport duration 6s => 3s);

1.2.1) Teleport Duration 2: "Teleporting yourself will take less time." (Effect: Teleport duration 3s => 1s);

1.2.2.) Teleport Items: "Teleport anything you carry with you, except for resources and large objects." (Effect: You can take with you various carriable items, like Iron Worms. Does not work on resources, gadgets and supplements.).

2.1) Lightweight Portal: "Carrying the portal will barely slow you down." (Effect: Carry Slowdown 28% => 4%).

Underground Station

Underground Station Icon.png

Get a mobile station, running on a rail directly below the dome. Enter the station to remotely control your dome from within the mine.

In-game Description Get a mobile station, running on a rail directly below the dome. Enter the station to remotely control your dome from within the mine.
Base Stats Reveal Distance tiles 0
Slot Mine Shaft Gadget Choice Mine Shaft.png
Supplement Cartography Show a minimap of the mine whenever you enter the mobile station. The minimap shows the discovered area and some tiles deep into the rock.